[LPF] The Cave of (Un)Death | Page 17

"Sounds like we hurt it, friends. I thought that statue was trouble. I apologize for not mentioning it earlier, but I thought you might stop my plan. Mostly because something like this might happen."

Aedger pulls his holy symbol close, and mutters a short prayer under his breath, as a bubble of grey light bursts forth from his body, though his allies, and he emits a dingy glow.

"Blue, Leo, go run interference against those zombies. Scimitars and Claws."

Blue drops the borrowed morningstar, and with Leo, rushes off to interfere with the zombies. Both the skeletons place themselves between the zombies and the living creatures.

[sblock=ooc]Aedger is casting bless, his skellies are going to engage the zombies. Knowledge for anything that he might know about zombie wolves in particular.

Aedger will move to W of vax
Leo will charge the Northern wolf, and will end up NW of that wolf.
Blue will double move to end up SW of Leo, 2W of northern wolf.

Also, to keep the skellies in order, I'll hold Leo until init 8.

Also, Leo is at 4 hp, right?[/sblock]

[sblock=aedger]Aedger Beinn, Aasimar cleric (undead lord) 1
init: +2 ac: 15, t:12, ff:13
hp: 02 perception: +9
cmb: +0 cmd: 12 speed: 30ft.
fort: +2 ref: +2 will: +5
resist 5: cold, acid, electric
senses: darkvision 60ft

current effects: none

in hand: Light Crossbow

special powers
channel negative energy 1d6, 6/day, will dc 14 used: 2
death's kiss: 1 round duration, 6/day used: 1
command undead

[sblock='spells prepared:']orisons:
level 1: (dc 14)
cause fear (domain)
cure light wounds
spell like abilities
daylight (1/day)

crossbow, light: +2 attack, 1d8+0, 19/x2, 80' bolts: 28
morningstar: +0 attack, 1d8+0, 20/x2

acrobatics 01
appraise 01
bluff 03
climb -01
craft 01
diplomacy 10
disguise 03
escape artist 01
fly 01
heal 03
intimidate 03
knowledge (religion) 05
perception 09
perform 03
ride 01
sense motive 07
stealth 01
survival 03
swim -01
Crossbow, light & bolts
[sblock='pockets']earplugs (4x)
chalk (3x)
ink (1 oz. Vial)
inkpen (2x)
paper, rice (5 sheets)
[sblock=blue]blue, skeletal companion (medium undead)
init: +2 ac: 17, t:12, ff:15
hp: 11 perception: +0
cmb: +2 cmd: 14 speed: 30ft.
fort: +0 ref: +2 will: +2
immune: cold undead traits
dr: 5/bludgeoning
senses: darkvision 60ft

current effects: none

in hand: Scimitar (r)
scimitar +2 (1d6+2,18-20/x2), claw –3 (1d4+1)
or 2 claws +2 (1d4+2)
or dagger +2 (1d4+2), range 10'
or javelin +2 (1d6+2/×2), range 30' remaining: 3






rope, hemp (50ft)(x2)

plank, collapsable

wandermeal (4 servings)

chalk (6x)

[sblock=pictures] 180px-aedger_beinn.jpg 180px-1342541056597_c6a62.png [/sblock]

