364 Girl Names That Start With J (With Meanings and Popularity)

Girl names that start with J have been popular for over a century, owing largely to several superpopular J baby names for girls at the top of the list.

Josephine, the current most popular J name for girls, has been a US Top 500 girl name for as long as that’s been charted. Along with Josephine, J names for girls ranking in the US Top 200 are Julia, Jade, Jasmine, Jordyn, Juliana and Juliette, Josie, and Jocelyn.

Juniper is one of the trendiest J names for girls currently, recently making its way into the top 150 and likely to keep moving up the charts.

Julia is the most popular girl name starting with J internationally, ranking in the Top 100 in The Netherlands, Spain, France, Sweden, Germany, Ireland, and Scotland, among others.

Jennifer and Jessica, of course, exchanged the Number 1 spot with one another for the last three decades of the 20th century. Jane, too, has stayed popular for decades.

Unique girl names starting with J that we recommend include Jacinda, Jessamine, Jubilee, and June. But as one of the most heavily populated starting letters for girls' names, there's a J name to suit every style and taste.

Here, our full selection of girl names that start with J, ordered by their current popularity on Nameberry.


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